Religious Cannabis

the sacred incense burned in the most ancient of master's prayer

In pre-history there were four great river systems, Euphrates/Tigris, Nile, Ganges, and Yellow River. Each suppored river cultures by the tens of thousands, all of whom traded with other remote systems. As a right of passage in many regions, the young spent three days in fast, consuming only Cannabis and psychedelics, and were then led by the shaman into a tight crawl space that led to an underground tunnel.

With every breath they inhaled and tasted the dirt and dust in the dark. Then suddenly becoming aware of a beat that feels at first to come from within, but as the sound becomes audible it compells them forward. Drawing them to the sight of a flickering point of light which signals the end of the journey. In effect, the reversed birth channel finally delivers them into a pulsating womb, a grand gallery filled with light, color, incense, and sound. Brightly bathed by Hemp seed oil lamps, who's flickering magic light sets the imagery to dance with rock, color, and shadows in motion.

That very act, played over tens of thousands of generations, awakened a new set of genes in the human genome. The appreciation of color, art, imagery, and more importantly, the metaphor. Cannabis, the very root of all religion, is the Sacrament that unite us with the most ancient of ancestors in a great spiraling, genetic, and spiritual hub. Like spokes in a great generational "vision quest" wheel, we are comforted by an understanding embrace that each of us prays from our own unique experience and perspective, to the the Divine, found at the center of all that is, right down to the very core of our DNA.


The U.S. Supreme Court decision requires our Cannabis use be a sincerely held religious belief. Divine Smoke, Cannabis Clergy, and PR NTR KMT offer free educational information on ancient and modern practice that may aid in preparing a viable defense of a sincere belief.


Establish a clear history of practicing your religious beliefs. Audio, video, virtual, or real time. Something as simple as a hand written prayer diary or prayer drawings. Create an altar with personal or family icons, placed within your garden and label or tag each "volunteer" as "Religious Cannabis".


Divine Smoke offers official PR NTR KMT self certified certificates as documentation for both law enforcement and government that our faith requires the Cannabis as incense in prayer so her unique scent will garnish the attention of the Divine who created it for the express intent of answering that prayer.


We offer official PR NTR KMT Religious Cannabis labels that, by your faith, separates Sacrament from contraband. A declaration of intent. We all share the constitutional right, as did the founding families, to grow, to transport, interstate, county, and city, distribute, and use Cannabis / Hemp as compelled by the Divine.

Netjer Sentra • Divine Smoke • Breath of the Goddess

To inhale Her unique and Divine Smoke is to breath the essence of female



Cannabis Believer

Certificate Kind Card Cash
Cannabis Clergy $40 $30

A believer in Ntr Sntr (Netjer Sentra), Divine Smoke, or Incense, the ancient rite of prayer. Prayers are lifted to the Divine upon the rising incense. My Cannabis use, possession, harvest, preparation, curing, concentrates, transportation, and distribution is required by Divine order.

Religious Cannabis

Certificate Kind Card Cash
Cannabis Clergy $40 $30

A believer in Ntr Sntr (Netjer Sentra) Divine Smoke, Incense. Cannabis must be burned in prayer as her unique scent garnishes the attention of the Divine. My Cannabis use, possession, cultivation, preparation, harvesting, curing, burning, concentrates, transportation, and distribution is required by Divine order.

Cannabis Clergy

Certificate Kind Card Cash
Cannabis Clergy $40 $30

Divinely authorized as Medical Marijuana / Cannabis Minister in tending to those in need, the sick, and poor, in both ritual and prayer. To perform: weddings, processions, circles, holy days, separations, divorces, funerals, natural healing, blessings, namings, baptisms, rites of passage, etc., as compelled by Divine order.

Religious Hemp

Certificate Kind Card Cash
Religion Hemp $40 $30

A sincere spiritual believer in the Kemetic herbal cannabis religion of our ancestors. Is now authorized and empowered to possess and lay root to genetically true, viable Hemp seeds. My Cannabis / Hemp production and use, cultivation, possession, CBD oil, preparation, cooking, harvesting, curing, transportation and distribution, as required and compelled by Divine order


Certificate Kind Card Cash
Officiate Ceremony $40 $30

May perform weddings, processions, circles, holy days sabbats, esbats, ceremonies, fire, celebrations, jumpings, renewals, commitments, handfastings, handpartings, divorces, annulments, separations, funerals, natural healing artistry, blessings, namings, welcomings, baptisms, comings of age, readings, and / or other rituals.. As revealed to the Hem Priest by Selkhet.


Official Religious Cannabis labels which, by faith separate Sacrament from contraband. A declaration of intent that inform both law enforcement and government. We all share the constitutional right, as did the founding families, to grow, to transport interstate, county, and city, distribute, and use Cannabis / Hemp as compelled by the Divine.


Label Size Min Cash
Religious Cannabis 2"x 3.5" 20 $20

Divine Smoke offers official Per Netjer Kmt small crack & peel labels that inform both law enforcement and government you have the legal and constitutional right to grow, possess, transport, distribute, and use Cannabis as part of your sincerely held religious beliefs, by Divine order.


Label Size Qnt Cash
Religious Cannabis 4.25"x 5.5" 20 $30

Divine Smoke offers official Per Netjer Kmt large crack & peel labels that inform both law enforcement and government you have the legal and constitutional right to grow, possess, transport, distribute, and use Cannabis as part of your sincerely held religious beliefs, by Divine order.